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Your support

Your support as a business person can consist of:

Personal visit
Because communism determined social life for decades, eastern Europeans often lack the spirit of enterprise. Contacts with the west however can be stimulating and encourage people to get going and persevere.                  
As the representative of a western European enterprise you can,  individually or as a group, make a field trip during which projects and families are visited, under the guidance of contact persons from Child Sponsor Programme. Together we can decide where and when this could be undertaken.

Aid projects
Even if you have not had the opportunity to go on a trip, you can give aid. In various countries where families are sponsored, there are current aid projects that need financial support. Depending on your interest and possibilities you can take part in one or more of these projects, or take on a project of your own. 

Businesslike Sponsoring
Apart from the financing of projects,  a stable foundation is also necessary for the organising costs, such as field expenses and Public Relations. That is why Child Sponsor Programme would like to cooperate with Christian businesses that  would give support on a monthly or yearly basis. For sponsoring from € 250,- per month or € 3.000,- per year we will publish your company’s logo in our periodicals, on the website and at our information stands and events. Because sponsoring is tax-deductible, it is a favourable way to couple marketing with giving aid. On request, we would be glad to send you further details .

Child Sponsoring
Asa company you can support one or more children. It might be an option to sponsor a child from each of the countries where Child Sponsor Programme is active (Albania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia). If you choose to do your sponsoring and make it legally official for a period of five years or more, these donations are tax-deductible as well.

If you are interested to cooperate with Child Sponsor Programme as a company, please contact us for further information or an appointment: +31 180-516380 / 552006
General informations
Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands
(Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan
te Krimpen aan de Lek)

Direct donations to Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands

Attn: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan,
PO Box 2098, 2930 AB
Krimpen aan de Lek
Bank account numbers:
ING Bank: IBAN: NL51INGB0006990377

Rabobank: IBAN: NL82 RABO 0333 8113 72

Account name: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan, Capelle ad IJssel

Governing board
Mr. H. J. Kesting
Mr. G. van Sabben
Mr. M. J. van der Weide
See Bord of directors
Board of directors

Jaco van der Sterre

Peter Edelenbosch
(Supervisor Eastern Europe)

Cees Slings
(Field Funding)

Cobi van Sabben
(Financial supervisor)

Contact in Belgium

OostEuropa Zending VZW /
Kinder Sponsor Plan 170
2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp)

Bank account number:
IBAN: BE57 4140 3536 6135
Account name:
OostEuropa Zending VZW Brussels

Online donation
Click here for your donation to
Child Sponsor Programme
(Kinder Sponsor Plan)